Monday, February 22, 2010

Naga Vase

Today, 22nd Feb 2010 is an auspicious day for all of us at the Center. This is the much look forward day as we all will be offering Naga Vases to the Sea Nagas.

After many days of preparation under the strict scrutiny of Tachung Rinpoche and Tempei Ningma Rinpocher, devotees of the center started to gathered all auspicious items, prayers scrolls, colored strings and very meticulously completed the vases. Rinpoches did prayers and we were told to go on vegetarian diet a day before the offering. We were also told to dress in white and nothing of leather or whatsoever that had something to do with animal skins should be brought along.

The purpose of offering Naga Vases to the sea is to ...

1) pacify illnesses caused by spirits,
2) clear obstacles, poverty, war, violence, grudges,
3) purify all nagas and diseases
4) increase life span, merit, fame, fortune, power, grain, possessions
5) and gain all excellence of the world and its inhabitants.
6) it is also for harmony and peace from family units to national scale.

Therefore from above you can see the merits of offering this auspicious vase and it is something we should do not just for our self but for all other beings as well.

This is the first time I offered Naga Vase to the sea nagas. We all intended to do this because of calamities happenings around the world. With compassion and Bodhicitta, we pray that there will be peace and may all of us have a good year free of such adversities and sufferings.

We also took this opportunity to release 'Life'. The Center in charge together with devotees went to purchase live stocks from nearby Kelongs. To fulfill our 'eating' desires, we have eaten many live stocks and it is time that we do goodness by releasing live stocks for good karma.

As we ushered in the Tiger Year, many are apprehensive of this animal. It is known to be ferocious but if you go about doing your routine with compassion, kindness and always have kind thoughts for other beings - you should be protected by your own good merits.

With this merits, may all beings be well and happy !


  1. Noble deed! May you be well and happy always!

  2. Thank you Sathira for support as always. May you and your family enjoy good health, peace and happiness.
