Friday, November 19, 2010

A sexy joke...

My computer is lagging, so much so that it took ages for me to load something up here. So to give my brain a break, today I am posting a joke just for laugh. Something a friend made me guess ??? and not till the end that I realized it is a sexy and not so sexes.s.s.s. type of joke.

Thanksgiving is around the corner. Buddhist do not pick a special day to celebrate thanksgiving as we should live our days with gratitude. We are grateful that we wake up in the morning and see the sun shining, feel the breeze on our face, hear voices of people talking, cars zooming by, see flowers blooming, hear music, feel the joy, the pain, the tears, the happiness, is a reminder that we are alive. Many have problems, some struggle to find a living...our lives whether good or bad is something we Buddhist says as 'The Cause and Effect'. Unfortunately not many see it as such as we are so wrapped up in our problem..Yes, OUR problem and it seems bigger than any other people. It is so because we say we are suffering and our suffering meant a lot to us. We forget about others who are suffering worst.

There was once I was on an operating bed queuing to be pushed in to Theatre for a DNC. It is nothing major but the continuous bleeding nearly cost me my life. While lying there, I saw patients being pushed in and pushed out. It is not a nice feeling. Thoughts flipped over my mind and I was wondering how if I do not come out alive? What have I done with my life, my parents and siblings, my friends. What good have I done so that I bring it with me like a protection charm that guarantee me a better next life? At this point, I prayed and wished..."Let me take all the pains and sufferings of all these people with me. When the doctor cut me, may I bear and take all these pain so that all these suffering patients come out alive and live healthily. I prayed that all these beings be well and happy. I went in and came out alive, till today. My faith did not waned instead it has grown. However I respect others choices too and will not belittle other religions . To Each His/Her Own...

OK, here is the fun and have a great weekend!

I will seek and find you ...
I shall take you to bed and have my way with you

I will make you ache, shake & sweat
until you moan & groan..

I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop
I will exhaust you to the point
that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you

And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days, my Love...
THE FLU ....

Now, get your mind out of the gutter and go get your flu shot!! ha.a.a.a.

1 comment:

  1. Haha!! nice joke! I knew it...!

    anyway, sorry for the loooong absence... my domain is dead already, that's why my blog is not updated. Anyway, have already update the site, so if you can update my site link, I will be grateful.... thanks yeah!

    and nice farmville pic!
