Friday, December 31, 2010

Bye 2010...Hello 2011

The Year 2010 is coming to an end with just a few more hours to go. It is an eventful year for the World as well as for myself. I count my blessing, and take all the good, bad and ugly with a pinch of salt. Life is not a bed of roses but again it is thankful to be alive and be useful to family and the soceity. Always remember the worst cannot stay worst forever, neither can good time last forever. Live the moment and tomorrow to take care of herself. Always remember to be kind towards people you love, people you have no patient with, people you think is not up to your standard and more. Do not take lives for fun...not killing for one's own hobby.

For 2011, whatever is going happened is already set. Live it as it HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 to my blog followers as well as those visiting here. My greeting this year will be Banners so painstaking done by GOOGLE... thank you and cheers!

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